Progressive Server changes

May 26, 2024

World Changes

  • Adds progression aware phasing to all content so it only appears for players who have reached the appropriate level of progression
  • Adds progression based limitations to prevent players from entering higher tiered progression content before completing appropriate content
    • For example, restores the door blocking entrance to Caverns of Time until TBC content is reached
  • (Configurable) Reduce player health from levels 1-60 and 61-70 to better approximate designed mob difficulty for these levels
  • (Configurable) Reduce player damage and healing from levels 1-60 and 61-70 to better approximate designed mob difficulty for these levels
  • Cap players to correct level caps for each player's progression (60 until completing Naxxramas, 70 until completing Sunwell)
  • (Configurable) After completing Vanilla content, apply a penalty to Vanilla end-game gear so that it is better to be replaced with TBC leveling gear (otherwise no players would replace their Naxx gear until TBC endgame, and TBC leveling would be trivially easy)
  • (Configurable) After completing TBC content, apply a penalty to TBC end-game gear so that it is better to be replaced with WotLK Leveling gear
  • (Configurable) Prevent players from trading or grouping with those in lower progression tiers to prevent sequence breaking
  • (Configurable) Prevent players from creating Death Knights until reaching WotLK content
    • Death Knights by default start at WotLK progression, so they do not need to repeat the progression required to unlock them
    • This decision is because pre-WotLK content lacks a proper progression path for DKs (no tier gear, class quests, etc.)
  • Restore Vanilla World Boss Lord Kazzak
  • Restores Upper Blackrock Spire Attunement
  • Restore original 40-man Onyxia instance, with correct mechanics, loot, stats, etc. WotLK 10-man and 25-man Onyxia is still available upon reaching the appropriate WotLK progression stage (40-man Onyxia remains available as well at this point, so no content is missable.)
  • Restore Vanilla Naxxramas (40-man version,) with the correct mobs, bosses, recipes, behaviors, items, attunements, quests, etc.
  • Adjust vanilla Raid boss loot to 1.12 versions (Changed due to removal of Onyxia in WotLK)
  • Restore pre-80 spell mana costs to their pre-3.3 versions (Changed in 3.3 to remove difficulty from leveling experience)
  • All classes and races have been restored to their original Vanilla and TBC starting gear and skill sets (changed in patch 3.1)
  • Restored class skill upgrades taught through item drops, rather than these being taught at trainers
  • Restore original mob stats, spells, and Elite status for Vanilla and TBC mobs
  • Restore original boss behavior for Vanilla and TBC bosses
  • Restored original Vanilla and TBC rep-on-kill values and associated rank caps
  • Restore original quests for changed Vanilla and TBC content, including levels, group quest status, XP rewarded, rep rewarded, item required and rewarded, etc.
  • Restore removed Vanilla and TBC quests, including Onyxia attunement chain, Hydraxian Waterlords chain, Missing Diplomat quests, and many more
  • Restore all items to their original Vanilla and TBC versions
  • (Optional) Restore all items to their original Vanilla and TBC stack sizes
  • (Optional) Remove heirlooms, as they contradict with the fundamental idea of individual progression
  • Restored original Vanilla and TBC vendors, with correct inventories and prices
  • Restore 1.12 Riding requirements and costs
  • Restore original TBC requirements and costs for flying mounts, removed flying mount vendors added to level 60 areas
  • (Optional) Require Zul'gurub attunement quest-line (originally not required as it was intended as a quick catch-up raid)
  • Restore all original TBC Attunements
  • (Optional, Configurable) Remove quest hints added in 2.4 and 3.2 (sparkly objects, exclamation marks over world objects with hidden quests, map markers, etc.)
  • Restore original race and class stats for levels 1-70 (normalized in patch 3.0)
  • (Optional) Re-route The Bravery to follow its original route to Menethil Harbor instead of Stormwind Harbor - this restores the original design goal to separate between Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdom starting areas.
  • (Optional) Remove the Zeppelin added in 3.2 between Ogrimmar and Thunder Bluff - this restores the original design goal to separate between starting areas.
  • Restore original XP tables for levels 1-70
  • Restore achievement rewards removed in later WotLK patches (Glory of the Raider)
  • Change "badge-style" rewards (badges, emblems, etc.) to drop appropriate rewards for the correct original progression tier of the content when it was released, rather than catch-up badges for the latest tier
  • Restore original mechanic immunities (such as bleed immunity for elementals,) spell school resistances, and spell school immunities to all creatures
  • Restore original Vanilla and TBC regen values for health and mana (greatly boosted in 3.3 to remove the need for food and drink while leveling)
  • Restore removed creatures to the Vanilla world, such as Mana Sprite and Ley Sprite at Deadwind Pass
  • Adjust the levels of all non-combat NPCs added in later expansions to previous expansion areas to fit with the correct level ranges for those areas (for example, Locksmiths are no longer among the highest leveled NPCs in capitals just because they were added in a later expansion)
  • Restore all "time-limited" items that were removed to create scarcity among players in later patches, such as Ruby Shades from Haris Pilton
  • Restore Undercity to its pre-Wrathgate state (abomination guards, Varimathras, etc.)
  • Restore reputation requirements to items that originally required them, such as Argent Dawn enchants
  • (Optional) Add items that were only available to players through out-of-game means (TCG promotional items, real money purchases, etc) to appropriate places in game, such as Tabard of Flame being a rare drop from Ragnaros and Celestial Steed as a rare drop from Algalon the Observer.

Profession Changes

  • (Optional Files) Restore the need to be near a Lexicon of Power to change Glyphs (Changed in patch 3.1)
  • (Optional Files) Restore original Vanilla and TBC crafting recipes, including pre-nerf versions for recipes nerfed in later patches of the same expansion
  • (Optional Files) Restore original progression levels (when recipes turn orange, yellow, green and grey) for all profession recipes
  • (Optional Files) Restore special crafting requirements, such as needing to be at an Alchemy Lab for high level Alchemy recipes
  • Limit all crafting recipes to only be available when players reach the appropriate progression tiers
  • (Configurable) Restore Fishing leveling to its pre-3.1 behavior (requires fishing to be leveling in level-appropriate zones)
  • Restore all recipes to their original locations - world drops, boss and raid drops, unique vendor purchases, etc.
  • Modify recipes added as catch-up mechanisms (like Spice Bread) so that they can only be learned after they no longer allow the player to skip profession progression - this allows them to still be learned for completionists but no longer skips content
  • Restore original progression of secondary skills (First Aid, Fishing, and Cooking) to be learned through the original methods and with original requirements
  • Restore progression between profession trainers (Apprentice, Journeyman, Expert, Artisan, Master, Grand Master) for all professions
  • Restore unique locations for Artisan trainers
  • Restore removed unique skinning items such as Shadowcat Hide
  • Mature Black Dragon Sinew once again only drops from Onyxia (was moved when Onyxia was removed)

Class Specific Changes

  • Hunter - Restore original ammo stack sizes (200 instead of 1000) to restore usefulness of ammo pouch/quiver progression. (Changed in patch 3.1)
  • Hunter - Restore attack speed bonus to quivers, removed "normalized" haste bonus that was added instead in 3.0.
  • Warlock - Restored removed Imp questlines
  • Warlock - Require original mount questlines to receive class mounts
  • Paladin - Require original mount questlines to receive class mounts
  • Rogue (Optional Files) - Restore removed Poisons skill and Poison crafting
  • Rogue - Restore multiple ranks of stealth with increasing effectiveness
  • Mage - Restore removed Detect Magic flavor spell

Not Changed

  • WotLK Spells, Talents, and Class Designs
    • Firstly, WotLK class design is praised for being fun to play and resolving the issue of certain classes and builds being "non-viable".
    • Secondly, client limitations prevent changing spell behavior and available talents based on level range, so it would require extensive client modification to restore original talents for each progression tier
    • Due to the added stat adjustments at appropriate level tiers, content should be at appropriate original level of difficulty despite increased power of WotLK talents
  • New leveling content added in later patches (such as Dustwallow Swamp)
    • This is not catch-up content, but is just more level-appropriate content to do for variety, so I did not feel a need to remove it
  • (Configurable) TBC Races Available in Vanilla
    • Because of the emphasis on progression, I think it is a better design for players to be able to choose their preferred race rather than choosing a character they do not like and having to complete all progression again on their preferred character
    • A config option is available to allow for unlocking of TBC races for those who prefer to make them require progression to TBC
  • Professions added in later expansions
    • I feel it is a better progression flow to allow leveling these professions during the regular progression path, rather than unlocking it later and requiring players to return to low-level content at a high level to progress them.
    • The default stat adjustments were designed with the bonuses from these professions in mind, so they do not disrupt game balance

Some items we can or will configure as testing go along.

Added an addon to downlaods. Until Patch 3.2, WoW required players to be at a vendor to see item sell prices. This patch removed this element for the sake of convenience. This addon is for players who would like to restore this small bit of RPG flavor.



How to progress: Tiers:


To progress to the next tier, it is required to defeat the end boss of that tier's content, or finish the relevant quest. In most cases, defeating this boss will require completing all of the content of the tier due to attunements and raid design. Please note that when setting a player's progression, the value used in the highest tier completed, not the current tier at which the player is progressing.

Tiers 1 & 2 - Molten Core and Onyxia (Level 60)

All players by default start at this tier. Level is capped to 60. Note that these two tiers are available simultaneously, as was the case for original Vanilla release.

Final boss: Ragnaros and Onyxia

Tier 3 - Blackwing Lair (Level 60)

Blackwing Lair is now available. Players are able to enter without having defeated Onyxia, but will not be able to survive Shadowflame without the Onyxia Scale Cloak, so this tier has a natural RPG-style progression requirement.

Final boss: Nefarian

Tier 4 - Pre-AQ (Level 60)

This tier is for the AQ attunement chain. The quest chain becomes available after the defeat of Nefarian, and ends with the players ringing the Scarab Gong and opening the gates of AQ, leading to the next phase. Zul'gurub becomes available in this phase. If desired, this phase can be disabled in the config file, allowing players to enter AQ immediately after defeating Nefarian.

Final quest: Might of Kalimdor

Tier 5 - Anh'qiraj (Level 60)

This phase requires players to complete AQ40 to continue, but they will also now have access to the catch-up gearing quests in Silithus and good gear and skill upgrade books available in AQ20.

Final boss: C'thun

Tier 6 - Naxxramas (Level 60)

The Light's Hope chapel and its associated quests and NPCs will now be available, allowing for attunement to Naxxramas. Once attuned, players will need to enter at least once through the original Naxxramas entrance in the back of Stratholme, after which they can take a shortcut through the Naxxramas teleporter in EPL.

Final boss: Kel'thuzad

Tier 7 - Karazhan, Gruul's Lair, Magtheridon's Lair (Level 70)

Players will now be able to enter the Dark Portal and level up to 70. Attunements will be necessary to enter the TBC raids, which will require completing TBC heroics.

Final boss: Prince Malchezaar

Tier 8 - Serpentshrine Cavern, Tempest Keep (Level 70)

Players will now be able to complete the next set of attunements and enter the next set of TBC raids.

Final boss: Kaelthas

Tier 9 - Hyjal Summit and Black Temple (Level 70)

Players will now be able to complete the next set of attunements and enter the next set of TBC raids.

Final boss: Illidan

Tier 10 - Zul'Aman (Level 70)

Next players will head to the Ghostlands to complete Zul'Aman.

Final boss: Zul'jin

Tier 11 - Sunwell Plateau (Level 70)

The Isle of Quel'danas will now unlock, allowing players to complete the questlines there and enter Sunwell Plateau.

Final boss: Kiljaeden

Tier 12 - Naxxramas WotLK, Eye of Eternity, Obsidian Sanctum (Level 80)

Players will now be able to enter Northrend and level to 80.

Final boss: Kelthuzad (Level 80 version)

Tier 13 - Ulduar (Level 80)

Players will now be able to enter and complete Ulduar, with its associated quests.

Final boss: Yogg Saron

Tier 14 - Trial of the Crusader

This tier unlocks the Argent Tournament and its associated content.

Final boss: Anub'arak

Tier 15 - Icecrown Citadel (Level 80)

Players will finally be able to enter ICC and challenge the Lich King.

Final boss: The Lich King

Tier 16 - Ruby Sanctum (Level 80)

Players will be able to complete Ruby Sanctum, which is the only content unlocked in this tier. (It can be considered a "bonus tier" since the real story is completed after defeating the Lich King.)

Final boss: Halion



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