We are behind the scene testing major overhaul of classless 1. Potentially combining features of classless 1 and classless 2 together.
We are also testing behind the scene a progressive wotlk server:
1: Meant to simulate "progress through expansions and expansion tiers" for players. Players must complete each tier in order to access content for the next tier.
2: Each tier will be designed to simulate the experience of being within that tier and expansion, within the limitations of the WotLK client. This means Vanilla content is like Vanilla WoW, and so on.
3: The goal is to focus on journey of the player. All catch-up mechanisms have been removed. There is no goal to rush to end-game or find a "fresh" server, because each new character is a fresh experience.
This is testing that we are doing behind the scenes.
Anaconda Gaming